Monday, March 30, 2009

Easter film production

Yeah! Easter short film shooting is finally over! I was on the 3rd day of the filming and had a supper with few of the crews... It was rewarding to see how this film was put together

It is just 15mins film but it took 21/2 days to finish all the scenes. God is with us and helped us to put everything together. Of course, all thanks to Angie, Philothea, Jiayi & Puay Ling for the script, arranging external technical crew, shooting venue, setting up scenes, meals for the crews and actors, looking for actors and many other things.

You gals rocks! It's a miracle that the film could be possible in a month's time. So another 11/2 weeks of editing and final product by 9th April. I;m sure God will help and anoint us again!

I like the fact we dare to attempt something that is new (though having short film is not new). We dare to put true life story into short film and then get the couple to share LIVE! It's real story. That's what Hope Church is - real people change by God!

So on 12th April, stay tune at Suntec hall 603 - The Way Home. Come and hear life story of coming home....

Be prepared, Be blessed, Be touched and Come back Home.....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

life nugget 1

I'm a student of life - Everything that happens to my life, happens for my growth...

I'm tasting every bit of the learnings,
Waiting for the graduation and
Moving on to new level...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Saluting to health care staff!

I was at SGH for 5 1/2 hours last night. We sent dad to A&E as he can't swallow food and take any medication. my brothers and I waiting at A&E and I saw how busy the nurses and doctors were...

I was surprised that it was so crowded at the observation ward at 8pm till 2am... There are many sick people in s'pore, i concluded...:):)

I saw a few people were sent in with blood over his face, seems to had an accident. I saw how patient after patient they had to attend. I saw different people in pain and needed attention.

At 130am, i was really sleepy and I saw them working as if it's like 130pm. To me, working night shift needs more energy then day shift.

3 cheers to nurses! 3 cheers to doctors! 3 cheers to health care staff!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What a blast!

it's almost 5 days after the polydins camp. It was blast literally (both the physical temperature and spiritual temperature)!

1st day was adjusting to new environment! 2nd day was God led - His Word, workshops, worship, responses, hearing from Him.... There was a super huge rainbow after the mega games. Everyone was awed by the beautiful sight. On the other, was a beautiful sunset! What a sight given by Him.

3rd day, polydins star award... i was totally blown off by how good and serious our peeps can go in theme dressings. you guys look so cool and close to the theme given to each campus. I followed the NP campus - Matrix... hahahaha, but many commented, it's didn't look too close....(I cheated..)

Another blast is coming and going back to campus and camps to meet our peeps and friends.

Rising a contemporary generation to engage and build disciples of Christ. :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

the day b4 camp!

i know preparation before the camp is most important - as there is saying that the meeting before the actual meeting is more important than anything else. this is so true..

on Monday, all ULs came together and pray and pray and pray. unless God works in our hearts, our peeps hearts, nothing will change and move. So we prayed and prayed at Nexus reception where few other polydins members were doing camp decoration! The highlight of the meeting is the prayer. We covered everything we know and remember. it was fantastic. Prayer helps us to connect with God and to change things in the spiritual realms! After the prayer, i felt that i had a great feast with God. Something feels good inside!

Later, logistics team setting up, some are going in the campsite to setup and prepare! campers will packed their bags and attires. i will be staying home to polish the teachings and pray and pray and pray!

counting down - 24 hours more.....

Saturday, March 14, 2009

5 days more!

Counting down to camp at Singapore Vision Farm! My 1st impression of the place is that are we going to have fellowship with animals?

I heard from the camp committee that this is one of the ideal venue because we can make alot of noice without any complain. That was really cool for Polydins!!! We will we will rock the farm, rock the farm!

This is my 17th camp! Camps has indeed changed my life because I desire to hear from God to change me. Because I fellowship with spiritual giants in the camp. Because I set aside few days to get my spiritual life intact and be fuel again. Because I can fellowship with bros and sis who loves Christ!

I remembered how God healed me on the first night of the camp in JB. I was running a very high fever and I was resting in the bunk while the rest were praise and worship God. I told God, I don't want to spend my camp on bed. I want to learn and learn. I want Him to heal me. After a while, I started to perspired and my tempurature started to come down and I feel much better. I was healed after less than 1 hour! I cleaned myself and I went to the hall to join the rest for the teaching of the Word! God healed me because he sees my heart of learning... That was like 16 years ago! I was still very new to the church!

I'm writing this blog in my living room after celebrating my mommy birthday... My siblings went home and I have a time alone in the hall. I'm anticipating what God will do in my lives, RDMM, ULships, CLships and all the members who are coming... A Contemporary Generation to change the World!

We are ordinary but with a extra-ordinary God with an extra-ordinary vision for His people, we are not ordinary anymore....

Friday, March 13, 2009

sick....(4 bad letter word)

i'm on MC today. Re-visited another family doctor last night to get a stronger dosage of antibiotics and cough syrup. I can sensed that it' really strong. After the medication, my heart beat fast and my hands shivers.

I think it's really too strong. But I think that I want to recover in this 2 days so my cough will be minimised so that my chest won't feel so tight after heavy coughing.

I was shocked when I knew the fee of the doctor visitation with medication : $89 for a noral consultation and few more medications... wow!!!

I had time reflecting my life, the region, the new adult group, event programming. I had time to read the bible when i'm not drowsy and weak.

Something great and powerful is going to happen in my life - more pruning and shaping! in the polydins region, new group, department...

Countdown the days!