Thursday, October 30, 2008

God of this city

This song by Chris Tomlin got me to reflect on issues that arises in this nation and globally lately... uncertainty on jobs security, depression, debts, money not enough....

And the songs goes one of the lyrics... "...greater things is yet to come...." then the 2 verses came to my mind as Jesus said...

John 1:50 " shall see greater things than that..."

John 14:12 "...anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these..."

youtube song link -

You're the God of this city
You're the King of these people
You're Lord Of this nation
You are

You're hope for the hopeless
You're light in the darkness
You're peace to the restless
You are

there is no one like our God
there is no one like our God

The greater things have yet to come
the greater things are still to be done in this city

The greater things have yet to come
The greater things are still to be done in this city

There is no one like our God
There is no one like our God

There is hope. God will be more real and needed by us when we realised we are limited. Greater things are still to be done in many lives in this city.

Do it through me and us.... (a little prayer!) GREATER!

Monday, October 27, 2008

belated birthday sam!

after a buffet at Korean restarant, few of us met sam, yes, sam gan for a night drink and supper. We celebrated his birthday... it's a little late..hehehehe... he is a october baby...

it was such a good catch up with him and know he is doing well in work. We walked from cityhall to boatquay and settle down at a jazz pub. we talked and chatted and the live band just played... it was nice music...

it was sooo good to know our old friends are doing different things in life but yet still keep the fevour for God. Sam, you are a good pal... and of course a loyal brother. God will bless you and keep you strong in Him as you continue to pursue his kingdom.

so stay strong, 'chun zang' (former village chief).... organise another event again!

let's make different in the KOG!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Transformed lives transform lives

this is what i shared at the end of the meeting today with the team. Jesus came to transformed my life so i can transform others...

I will never sick and tired of seeing life to be transformed. I heard stories last week on how people cross the line of faith during weekdays and weekend. I heard stories of how indifferent believer have a changed of heart and began to be fire up for Jesus and people. I heard stories of how God bless financially so can have enough for mission trip. I heard how God use a believer to pray for a sick aunty who suffers from cancer.

I'm moved again and again when I hear one story after another. This is what real faith is...

Transformed lives transform lives......

Friday, October 24, 2008

Where do you sit?

It's interesting... let's see how's the sitting in service.hohoho

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Volunteers nite @ Zion rd

We had a ministry night with the poly service volunteers... there are close to 90 people who came from all parts of Singapore. (From East, West and North)

I viewed that this is one of the important gathering after meeting the CLs and Potential CLs 2 weeks ago. Advance leadership camp is to gather to teach, build and train for more spiritual and skillful CLs..

This volunteers is to vision cast to all the service volunteers what we will like to see in Poly service. We learn why a importance of a service, how our role (small part in each service) plays a part to impact lives in that 2 hours, what attitudes and initiatives we are good at and we can improve.

We all enjoyed the time of breakout sessions to meet the volunteers of each ministry together. We point out their 3 strengths and 3 improvements. We all burst into laughter when Jobb represent the sound ministry shared that the sound people are humble.... (they are proud to be humble...hohoho)... we cheered for the sound team!

Cedric represent the ushers shared that one strength of usher team is they can multi-task. We all laughed heartedly because our ushers serves as housekeeping, holy communion bearer, ushers, security and stand in offering counters. Man!!! the team is multi-tasking team! applause!

Each ministry representative shared their strengths and improvements and the atmosphere was great! We want to give our best to Jesus to touch more lives...

We ended the night by laying hands on one another and prayed and seek God's blessings.

Lord, this is the opportune time to prepare for PolyDiNs service and to kick start on 27th Dec... You navigate this birth of service and you will provide us with all good gifts to touch hundreds and hundreds of people!

2Cor 9:10 "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. "

Saturday, October 18, 2008

i love u Holy Spirit

just now took 30 mins to pray in a little dark room at office at 12pm. it's just good to be in a room by yourself with God. pray and listen...

honestly, there are 10 over reasons why i can't concentrate to pray... I kept thinking how to solve this and that, how i can do better, if i can make the decision again, how will i make it... very interesting thoughts going through my mind when i want to pray...

somehow, i just pray... decide to focus on Holy Spirit and pray in the spirit. it's either i leave the room the same as i went in or I'm change and be build up...I didn't expect too much with this small getaway of prayer... but Holy Spirit just worked and changed my heart...

I kept praying in tongues as i focus just on Him... to know Him, fill by him and understand his mind, understand God's way, to have a change of heart...

he brought to me to remember God's word... He assures me... he encouraged me....he changed my heart of unwillingness to have a stronger desire....

I love u Holy Spirit...

later going to prayer meeting at Touch Community Center @ Parkway..... more of you....:)

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I asked abigail about what is 伯乐 a week ago. She explained to me that he was a man in China. How he see the potential of a weak horse and train the horse into a strong horse which can run very fast and very far (thousands of miles). The cool thing that 伯乐did was to see what is possible in that ordinary horse that normal people can't. This is one of the strong characteristic of a good disciple maker.

We see what our sheep and leaders can be in the future and not who they are now. So enjoy this story and may it bring more deep leadership lessons to you personally as you reflect and meditate...


傳說中,天上管理馬匹的神仙叫伯樂。传说中,天上管理马匹的神仙叫伯乐。 在人間,人們把精於鑑別馬匹優劣的人,也稱為伯樂。在人间,人们把精于鉴别马匹优劣的人,也称为伯乐。
第一個被稱作伯樂的人本名孫陽,他是春秋時代的人。第一个被称作伯乐的人本名孙阳,他是春秋时代的人。 由於他對馬的研究非常出色,人們便忘記了他本來的名字,乾脆稱他為伯樂,延續到現在。由于他对马的研究非常出色,人们便忘记了他本来的名字,干脆称他为伯乐,延续到现在。

一次,伯樂受楚王的委託,購買能日行幹裡的駿馬。一次,伯乐受楚王的委托,购买能日行干里的骏马。 伯樂向楚王說明,千里馬少有,找起來不容易,需要到各地巡訪,請楚王不必著急,他盡力將事桿好。伯乐向楚王说明,千里马少有,找起来不容易,需要到各地巡访,请楚王不必着急,他尽力将事杆好。

伯樂跑了好幾個國家,連素以盛產名馬的燕趙一帶,都仔細尋訪,辛苦倍至,還是沒發現中意的良馬。伯乐跑了好几个国家,连素以盛产名马的燕赵一带,都仔细寻访,辛苦倍至,还是没发现中意的良马。 一天,伯樂從齊國返回,在路上,看到一匹馬拉著鹽車,很吃力地在陡坡上行進。一天,伯乐从齐国返回,在路上,看到一匹马拉着盐车,很吃力地在陡坡上行进。 馬累得呼呼喘氣,每邁一步都十分艱難。马累得呼呼喘气,每迈一步都十分艰难。 伯樂對馬向來親近,不由走到跟前。伯乐对马向来亲近,不由走到跟前。 馬見伯樂走近,突然昂起頭來瞪大眼睛,大聲嘶鳴,好像要對伯樂傾訴什麼。马见伯乐走近,突然昂起头来瞪大眼睛,大声嘶鸣,好像要对伯乐倾诉什么。 伯樂立即從聲音中判斷出,這是一匹難得的駿馬。伯乐立即从声音中判断出,这是一匹难得的骏马。


駕車人認為伯樂是個大傻瓜,他覺得這匹馬太普通了,拉車沒氣力,吃得太多,骨瘦如柴,毫不猶豫地同意了。驾车人认为伯乐是个大傻瓜,他觉得这匹马太普通了,拉车没气力,吃得太多,骨瘦如柴,毫不犹豫地同意了。 伯樂牽走千里馬,直奔楚國。伯乐牵走千里马,直奔楚国。 伯樂牽馬來到楚王宮,拍拍馬的脖頸說:“我給你找到了好主人。”千里馬像明白伯樂的意思,抬起前蹄把地面震得咯咯作響,引頸長嘶,聲音洪亮,如大鐘石磐,直上雲霄。伯乐牵马来到楚王宫,拍拍马的脖颈说:“我给你找到了好主人。”千里马像明白伯乐的意思,抬起前蹄把地面震得咯咯作响,引颈长嘶,声音洪亮,如大钟石磐,直上云霄。 楚王聽到馬嘶聲,走出宮外。楚王听到马嘶声,走出宫外。 伯樂指著馬說:“大王,我把千里馬給您帶來了,請仔細觀看。”伯乐指着马说:“大王,我把千里马给您带来了,请仔细观看。”



楚王一聽,有點將信將疑,便命馬夫盡心盡力把馬喂好,果然,馬變得精壯神駿。楚王一听,有点将信将疑,便命马夫尽心尽力把马喂好,果然,马变得精壮神骏。 楚王跨馬揚鞭,但覺兩耳生風,喘息的功夫,已跑出百里之外。楚王跨马扬鞭,但觉两耳生风,喘息的功夫,已跑出百里之外。

I want to be a 伯乐. How can I be a better 伯乐? How can I train more 伯乐around me? Daddy, rise more 伯乐 in church and in poly group. So everyone can be all they can be and suppose to be in you!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Advance Leadership Camp

well, I had a great 3 days with all CLs and potential CLs at BBHQ last Friday till Sunday. It was a fantastic retreat. I wanna to thank Jen and Andrew and the rest of the camp comm who led this this camp. This is one of the best leadership camp. I guess our camp will get better and better...

We learn the Word together of how to be a more effective leader. We early aquire Wisdom, courage and anointing in our lives.

There are very practical workshops on equipping potential CLs to reach 7 (full fledge CG) and training current CLs to grow beyond 15! Thanks to Colin, Xueting and Nel... We had another practical workshops on personality management. How to harness people of different personlities together in a CG. I heard it was really practical and helpful. Great job Leanne and Meihua!

There are many highlights in the camp... Like fellowship time, BBQ time, leadership activities (getting drench in the rain), worshipping together.

One of the greatest highlight is when after teaching anointing, we prayed for every single leader from potential CL to DL. We impart all good gifts to each new leader. We surrender our lives to serve one and only cause. Then we charge for harvest and soaked Poly service in prayer. We prayed for Hope Singapore, Ps Jeff and Claudia and our movement.

The glory of the present house will be stronger than the former house!

I guess this camp is for me as I was more convinced that I will not live my life less than what God wants me to be. I will live for him and the church. :):)

PolyDiNs rocks! I love to serve with you guys!