Thursday, January 29, 2009

CNY boring or interesting?

Last few days were a good time with family and friends...

1st day of CNY, my bros and sis came and visit my parents. Some of relatives came as well. Though we meet only once a year, sometimes same kind of questions were post to me and me to them. It may seems a routine but I realised this practice of Home visitation is a good minimum thing we could do to stay connected. At least once a year...

I used to be skeptical and really dislikes the idea of going to someone's house once a year and say the same thing every year. It's so superficial...But when I think it's boring and that it will be a routine if I let it be. But I could choose to change my perspectives and God will surprised me with many opportunities to connect and know someone deeper. So I changed my perspectives that it's up to me to let it be a routine and shallow gathering or I take initiatives to know people deeper and more and nevigate it to be interesting.

So here are few good encounters...

- Discuss with my younger brother about his CG, his recent new believer, his follow up
- Talk and find out that one of my cousin how economy affect his business and his dad health condition.
- Talk and know about my long distant relatives - her daughter's hobby and her recent travel to Perth with a group of friends. She rented 2 rooms of a local house and then they drive out of Perth.
- My another cousin is out station at Boston and her sister is going to Germany for a month of training. Talk and know more of her husband's job and possible travel trips...
- Had a interactive time with my niece and nephew. I played guitar and they tried to play drum... I found out that my nephew has a strong sense of timing and rhythm.. :) He told me that he wanted to learn piano and then drum! That's good...:)

So CNY can be super boring or surprising, it's really up to me! I have decided that I want to choose to make it interesting - so my yearly affair is will be rewarding and perhaps God will surprise me with people's story and that add in my life too!

3rd day of CNY was good, as poly ULs and their boyfriends joined in the Luo Yu Sheng! Last night was good! All thanks to Andrew who organised it and prepare the Luo Yu Sheng...

jamming time with 2 potential musicians

Luo Yu Sheng...


Monday, January 26, 2009


Had a great reunion dinner last night...:) There are alot of food left...hmm, very strange that the adults are eating lesser and lesser each year... getting older probably...hohoho

Brother and family came this morning... now taking a break to blog...

Will blog more about the family and relatives catch up....

CNY is a good time to catch up with family members and relatives... just slack and talk and EAT! hohoho!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Leanne and Cols!

at 9pm, some of the peeps headed to Loof at Odeon Tower to celebrate the hatched day of Colin and Leanne!

I reached at 11pm after sending ps prakich off to the airport... i like the open concept of the pub. but the not so good thing was the volume of the music was really loud. we actually sat under 3 speakers, no wonder it's loud!

we chatted, talked, spending time with the bdae gal and guy...:) at 12am, traditional birthday song was sung and cake cutting by them!

Thank God for Leanne and Colin. We have been serving together for few years... Colin and Leanne was sharing that they came to know Jesus at the age of 17/18 in PolyDINS! I knew Colin when he was 1st year in NP. And now he is already working as a project engineer. He is a great administrator and of course has a strong resilient spirit. :):) It is a blessing that he joined the team and serve and gave to the peeps in SP and NP!

Leanne now a full time staff serving along side with me and the rest of the RDMM. Thank God for her life and she is always looking out areas to grow and improve! She has a strong attitude of "looking forward". She is going to preach in valentine service and her boyfriend, Kevin is going to testify in the sermon! cool couple!

Cols and Leanne, thanks and really appreciate your friendship, love and toil together for Jesus and His church! This year will do it again! God will surprise you with good gifts from heaven! This year will be better one!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Be right back!

I will be right back on my entry... Another few days!

At moment, stay tune to PolyDINS camp publicity.....

Logo is coming...