Monday, April 20, 2009

Leadership competency : Ask good questions...

I listened to Carly Fiorina - an ex CEO of Hewlett Packard.. She was speaking at a entrepreneurship conference. One thing that reminded me strongly in her 1 hour sharing was the competency of a leader is the ability to ask question. This is so true...

Proverbs 19:20 says, “Get all the advice you can and be wise the rest of your life.”

Everyone has a reservoir of knowledge, skills, and experience they can share. A wise person will learn to draw them outby asking questions. If I were to sit down with someone, I’d learn some things that would make me a better leader and person. I’m sure of it. He/she had experiences that I haven’t had – and vice versa.

Be prepared with standard questions to ask every time you get around someone who’s making an impact with their life.

Questions like:
• How do you handle stress?
• What have been the greatest successes in your life?
• What were the causes of those successes?
• What were the greatest failures in your life?
• What would you do differently if you were starting over?
• What kind of books do you read?
• How do you manage your time?
• How do you manage your money?
• What have been the greatest lessons you’ve learned?
• What have been the greatest surprises in your life?

Successful people give off clues. Look for those clues. Pull them out and learn from them.

So let's practice the ART of ASKING Questions....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

post easter

just came back after chilling out with PSPT peeps! tody I was a little surprised by the altar call responses.

14-15 friends said yes to Jesus! wow!

God, I pray you will protect all who came to know you. Help them to experience and encounter you in a special way!

Looking forward to next week polydins service of what God will do again...

what a way to spend my sat!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

life nugget 2

I will grieved over someone i have lost.
But i will gain something instead.
Life is an irony...
I got upset on things i love went missing.
Yet I found back something more precious..
Life is an irony...
then I remembered a saying...
to give what we can never keep
to gain what can never lose
what an irony....
so get less uptight with life, Jas.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

many returned home!

Easter was a blast! this is the most teary easter that I have been. The testimony was real and honest and touched my heart very much! I cried when Kelvin shared his testimony during 1st rehearsal... I was a little embarrassed as Shuz & Pei Kee was standing besides me as we are evaluating abt the rehearsal and flow of service.

The film was cool! all thanks to Philo, Kai Siang, Angie, Phuay Ling, Steven and many more in putting this together! thanks to Gerald and Emma's house for filming. thanks to Marsli, Ray, Ah Long's boys, Dorling, Jing Qi, Kelly and Phuay Ling in giving your time to act. Well done Film team!

The worship was God honouring and was so deep in His presence! Praise God for worship team! The preaching was clear and draws out God's forgiveness for us.

What I love was the altar call, I saw many returned home....

Polydins as 20 returned home! NG8 has 2 returned home... what a celebration!

Looking forward to see them this weekend and those friends to return back to Nexus services as well...

I'm honoured to be part of the team to witness this people parading back homE!