Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dust to Dust

Time flies as dad has passed on for about 2 weeks. I felt it was just yesterday at his sick bed looking at him catching his last breath and then exhale his last. I was comforted that I was with him at his last of last stage and God granted my wish.

2 weeks ago, many things that went through my mind and emotion welled up in me. I should be glad that he is free from suffering and going to Jesus in heaven and I will meet him soon. Yet on the other hand, I was sad that he really leave the family and the world. Tears kept flowing like rushing sea. I knew what sleepless night was. Memories how he worked hard for the family, cared for me and my siblings in his quiet and chinese man ways kept me awake. Thank you Dad for raising us up and your input and contribution will be in us forever. <3 You!

Thanks to God and all my friends who supported me for the past 2 weeks. I knew I'm going to meet dad soon (though he didn't have a Christian wake but it will be his faith that will lead him to Christ).

Last week was surreal because I got to slow down to think and rest. When I saw my dad's ashes and bones at the cremation center, this verse filled my entire mind, "Since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

Dad's death has slowed me down and asking myself what really matters to me. Jesus' life showed me what really matters and what really last. This is something I heard, discussed and preached before. However, as I reflects, I was taken to a whole new level.

What matters the most : His relationship with me and People he loves. Luke 10:27

This 2 last forever and for eternity. It's nothing new but God used dad's death and bring me to a place and moment where he showed me His heart - what really matters to Him and what will really last.

My relationship with Jesus and People he has created - my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, church, people I know and people I don't know.

In 40-50 years later, dust am formed, dust I will go. What matters will be how I live my life on this earth. Am I growing and thriving as a believer and shine His glory? Have I impacted my family, friends, neighbours, church, people who are far from God? Have I influence and love all that God has placed in my life? Have I live a maximised life?

Well, I can't say I have did and done it. I think there are so much room and potential to develop in. But now, when I ask me and look at my priority, what matters really?

My answer will be Jesus and People!


At 11:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your insights and reflection. You are always an inspiration! :)

At 5:20 PM, Blogger jaspoon said...

Hi ST, thanks and you are a great inspiration to me too. :):)

At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Vinc said...

i missed dad too..very.



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