Wednesday, July 26, 2006

New birth

It's been close to 7 months that I have updated my blog. It was refreshing to write my life journal online. I wanted to keep all of you updated of my life espeically all those who are regular blogger!

Another 22 hours, I will take off to Europe and I will be there for about 15 days. My 1st destination will be Italy We are going to Rome, Florence and Venice! Shirley Meilinda and Gwendoline will be my traveling partners! After Italy, we will head off to Czech of Republic, Prague. We will be attending Hope Leadership conference and able to mingle with many European leaders and friends! The last destination will be Switzerland, Zurich. We are staying at the Mountain top houses and able to enjoy the scenary of glaciers and have a chance to ski!

Another thing I'm really excited will be this saturday, Tertiary Special Service. There will be a 4min MTV and of course Ps Jeff will be sharing the Word! I slept at 4am last night because I'm too excited about Poly reaching 320 and many PolyDi students crossing the line! People REALLY matter to God!