Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dad's day!

15th June is dad's day and dad's bdae! dad is 70 this year... man, time realli flies. I remembered he was driving SBS bus and I arrive at certain bus-stop to meet him at a certain time to pass him some home cooked food during Chinese new year. Man, that was so many years ago... and now, he is ready 70!

jie and ko, wilson and I decided to have the celebration at home as it will be easier for the new born baby and easier for dad. To go out for a family dinner during Father's day is madness! so we decided to celebrate at home yesterday and have more comfort and my dad can play with niece and nephew!

everything was really great, simple food, simple gathering but rich in fellowship and love. that's a good family! but i did one very stupid thing is that I bought an ice cream from Swensen but I didn't put it in freezer but the noral compartment of the fridge! wah man, by the time we suppose to sing birthday song, the care melted! what a disppointment! sorry father! I forget I bought an ice cream cake and I treat it like a ordinary birthday cake! diao! my niece and nephew has to wait for another 30mins to get the cake frozen. they kept coming to me and remind of the cake.... *sobsob*

dad, you are very dear to me! you have worked very hard in your younger days to provide for the family. you stayed up late to wait for me to reach home, then you will return to your bed. I know you care and love all of us. You took off to bring sis and brother to carnival. You are a filia son as you took good care of ah ma when she is around! I know you will not be able to read this blog because you don't surf internet. I have last prayer for you, may you grow so much in the Lord so you know He loves and cares for you! I will continue to claim your healing in faith!

xie xie father!

check this out for the video clip...


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