Thursday, June 12, 2008

How to have victory in difficult times

I have taught this lesson in last sat CLM. As we have embarked the 12am prayer since last Sat till now. I will like to share this lesson with you and also share with you what has took place as we are walking through synchronise prayer as a whole region.

Joshua 10:5-15

When we face great challenge, either we will have great victory or great defeat. So what's the key to receive victory.

1. Believe that God will give you the victory v8 "The Lord said to Joshua, "Do not be afraid of them; I have given them into your hand. Not one of them will be able to withstand you.""

Don't limit God. When we do anything in the bible according to God's will, we will be successful. When we believe, we believe in the person. When we believe in the person, we believe in his words.

Matthew 21:22, Mark 9:23-24

2. Obey God to obtain the victory v9 "After an all-night march from Gilgal,..."

Obedience is the hall mark for believers. Everyone believe but not everybody practice on what they believe. Our words and our actions goes hand in hands. Joshua led the troop to march for the whole night to fight.

James 1:22, James 2:17, Rom 12:8 (Leaders lead diligently. Leaders pay the price.)

3. Pray to God for the victory v12-13 "..Joshua said to the Lord in the presense of Israel:.." "So.."

Besides we believe God, obey and act on what we beliefs, we pray for victory. In the midst of the battle, Joshua led with the most important weapon -prayer. Joshua knew that he lack many resources to win the battle. He lacks skillful troops, he lacks time to fight. He knew he can't make any changes on his own, he look to God! Leaders lead their people to depend on God in the midst of fulfilling the task God has called them.

1John 5:14-15, Joshua 10:14 (The Lord stopped the sun for Joshua and Israel!)

As we have embarked the 12am prayer, I can sensed God stirring in my hearts as I prayed. Depend on God is not easy. Praying at 12am is not easy. There are 101 things I'm distracted to do. But when I start to pray, I just enjoy praying. God has led me to have ideas for the sermon preparation. He increased my love and burden for the freshmen. He showed me what to pray for them (their needs, theit struggles, what stops them.) I claimed the victory!

Lord, grow me and show me more of your heart for the people.... God, thanks for the 2 new friends that has crossed the line! 40 visitors confirmed as of last night. Continue to make miracles!

God is with us!


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