Monday, June 16, 2008

"Hailstones" experience

what a ESS! Many of us have mixed feelings on Friday and Saturday. I have read many blogs and many have commented how they were very concerned and nervous when they have watched the rehearsals. ha! we seemed to need more time to rehearse but time is running out! we seemed to need to perfect the steps and tighten the transition and we need time and rehearse over and over again... I remembered when Joshua fight, he needed time.

Well, the Lord didn't stop the sun for us, but he did it in a unique way! He bring people to gather to giev their best in the shortest time and rely on him in the longest time! I heard many people at the back stage praying and pray even harder during the altar call!

I have my story to tell too. I spent a long time in my room in the morning just praying and praying! Then when I reached Nexus, I saw many hardwording volunteers arrived earlier to preapre the service and rehearsal! I can sensed a different spirit. I can sensed joy and confidence in the hearts of the people! When we rely on God, we are different people when face challenges!

There, the service started and many friends walked in. I took a toilet break during the production. I was in the cubicle and told the Holy Spirit that in 10mins time, I will be on stage to speak. I asked him, Can I stay here longer and not go out?! ha! I knew the answer and I told him to partner with me. I walked to Nexus and stayed at the recep area until the last part of the production. Man, my walk from the toilet to the recep area seemed the longest time taken!

I just walked up and speak by faith and in love! I can sensed Holy Spirit guided me! During the altar call, we worship and though we overrun the time we just go in the 2nd worship song. Thank You Lord, you visited us! I can sensed your presence so strongly! I think I will die if you don't show up! you showed up! really on time!

15 of our friends make decision to accept Jesus! wow! I can sensed the excitement among the people! thanks for Uni leaders, brothers and sisters who prayed earnestly during the altar call. thanks for TSPT peeps who kept the whole event in prayer for the whole week! Thank you Poly peeps who sowed hard! Thanks for your CLs who led your people to meet the freshmen and connect with them! Thanks to all who knew this event is going on and prayed for us and with us! We had 4 new friends during weekdays! thanks to Nel who oversee this event. Thanks Abigail who led the P&W and the band! thanks to decor team - Jolene and Bingquan! Thanks to Jorris on image! Thanks MM, lights, sound and team hope to make the service possible! thanks to the drama team and dancers! i can't list out all, but if i have missed out, knows that i didn't mean too but you are greatly treasure!

I overheard that there is some stirring in one campus - NYP! in 7 days, they had 8 new friends crossed the line! I think the momentum will be coming and going! I'm also very proud of other campuses as I heard that some have weekly Friday event for freshmen! wow! You will reap the harvest as long as you don't give up!

there will be more momentum in the next 2 weeks..... more to come in the next 2 saturday! Bring the ESS atmosphere to every Saturday service. Have a great anticipation of the flow of the Holy Spirit every sat!

all glory be unto Him!


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