Thursday, June 05, 2008

a dose of doubt may strenghten your faith

i was taking a break from sermon preparation. I took a book to read by Lee Strobel : God's outrageous claim. I have read this book 1 year ago i think and just now i was taking a break so I combed through my book shelve and thought of reading it again.
I like the chapter that talks about how doubts can build up our faith. doubt scares many Christians. they are pestered by ague uncertainties and persistent questions that make them feel anxious and vulnerable. and to make the matters worse, most Christians are reluctant to breathe a word about this, because they don't want to be embarrassed.
most Christians think that doubt is the opposite of faith, but it isn't. the opposite of faith is unbelief. Doubt comes from a word meaning "two". To believe is to be 'in one mind' abt accepting something is true; to disbelieve is to be 'in one mind' abt rejecting it. To doubt is to waver btw the two, to believe and disbelieve at once and so to be 'in two minds'. doubt only means swaying and staggering btw yes and no.
True believers can experience doubt. In both OT and NT, believers clearly express wide ranges of questioning, especially on topics as pain and evil, god's personal dealing with his people, and the issue of evidence of one's belief.
If you infected with doubts, it's needed to to something to regain our spiritual heath. and often that's not easy. don't be mislead to think that there's some spiritual elixir that will cure your questions. some people end up frustrated. but there is hope! when does doubt bcome unbelief? asked Alister McGrath (an experience theologian). She answered, when you let it...Do don't let it! so take action, you can prevent questions, concerns or doubts from mulitphying of control into full fledge unbelief.
Step 1 : Find the root of your doubt
This is the diagnostic phase, the time when you find out what's behind your particular strain of doubt.
Step 2 : Ask God and others for help
Turn to God for help - not as last resort but as top priority. Ask him to lead you to answers, to provide you with insight, to give you wisdom and to bloster your confidence. then turn to Christians in your life. While faith isn't literally contagious, we can benefit from hanging around with people who have deep and abiding beliefs.
Step 3 : Implement a course of treatment
Once you know the root cause and seek advices from God and advisors, then you'are in a better position to identify and implement a strategy for fighting doubt virus. If it's a matter of the will, ask yourself specifically where you're holding back from God. after all, the choice is yours.
Step 4 : Take scrupulous care of your spiritual health
A body is less suscepticle to viruses when it's healthy because it can fight off minor infections before they become serious. In a similar way, s strong faith is better able to fight off the doubt virus before it gains a foothold and threatens to overwhelm your defenses. your faith becomes stronger throgh knowledge and action.
Knowledge : get serious abt knowing more about God and why he is trust worthy. that involves not only read the bible but study the bible itself in a consistent and systematic way.
Action : We learn best by doing. We learn best about the trustworthiness of God when we make daily decision to submit to him. That's how we develop a shield!
Step 5 : Hold your remaining questions in tension
God's thoughts and ways are higher than ours. We're limited people with limited minds, so we can't expect to understand everything about our unlimited God. Consequently, there are bound to be some mysteries that won't be resolved for the time being.
In some cases we'll get a better glimpse of an answer as we mature in our faith through the years. But in many instances we'll have to wait for eternity, when we meet Jesus then.
I will like to ask 'why disasters again and again? why is this one one way to approach the end times?'
So as you deal with your doubts, remember this : we may feel perplexed by mysteries, but there is no mystery to God. Apostles Paul also knew this truth. And Paul understood how little he himself knew. When you're fighting off a doubt virus, try transforming his words into a personal prayer..
"Lord, I can see and understand only a little about you now, as if I were peering at your reflection in a poor mirror, but someday I am going to see you in completeness, face to face. now all that I know is hazy and blurred, but I will see everything clearly, just as clearly as you see into my heart right now."
okay, i need to get back to my sermon liao... prepare..prepare...prepare.....:):):)


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