Friday, May 30, 2008

KK LC learnings!

well, it's been a week that I have came back from KK LC. It was a great LC as we spent our days at beautiful mountain side! the air is fresh, the fellowship of poly peeps and leaders over the world. I got to celebrated Yin San's birthday (The Indo leader) and also Choon Yam's birthday (adult leader). I love the seafood and especially a kind of shell meat called elephant trunk! It was so delicous!

Poly peeps!

Look at the huge Teh Bing! It was a free drink for the birthday gal by the cafe!

Korean star look alike Caleb aka choon yam!

There are a few things I caught from the LC. Ps PN (Hope movement president) prophesied that the next 7 years will be a year of abundance! I took that word as encouragement and challenge. I knew the Lord spoke to me through that prophesy. He was speaking into the future for the movement and individual churches. I whispered to God in my heart, Lord, bless Hope Singapore, bless Poly region, bless my life as you are a God of abundance! So the church will continue to be the answer to man's issues!

Another thing I caught was a simple lunch with Ps Simon. He had a lunch with Tertiary leaders and we had a chance for question and answer with him. He was sharing and challenging us, especially me to scout and raise new and younger leaders. He was making a casual comment that I can bring 1-2 new leaders to pastor meeting in the future LC. wow! It's not about bring people to certain meeting, but I learnt that we MUST continue to scout and raise new and younger leaders! Like what I told all the poly leaders before the LC, we must see the upcoming ULs to be in 19 to 21 years old. Our current ULs age is 21-23. I think we need to always train and disciple younger leaders. Like our CLs should be in their 17 to 18 and UL to be in their 19 to 21 years old. So the RDMM who is in their 25 will grow in their role of SDL, DL, RL and pastor role! So those Poly, DI and NS peeps who read my blog, be challenged and desire to be God's leaders to serve. God is speaking to you through this blog...:)

The last thing I caught was Ps PN prophesied that the Great Commission will be fulfilled in our life time. Well, I'm not sure when Jesus is coming back. As he shared about what he saw and heard from other movement leaders, many sensed that Great Commission will be fulfilled in our life time. I'm not sure whoes life time? But it does reminded me of the Hope vision statement : To build strong and biblical people, to plant strong and biblical churches in Singaopre and all over the world in our life time! I will give my life to this ONE and ONLY calling. So growing Poly to 500 ASAP is one way to fulfill the Great Commission. 500 lives are changed, 500 lives are develop to theit fullest potential. 500 families will be touched. 500 communities will be brought to christ. whoo!

Our church, our group will experience more than what we have seen and seen. yes, more lives touched, more families won, more nations reached!


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