Tuesday, June 03, 2008

satisfying your desires - 14th June!

After a great CYL on Sunday, we are all gearing up for a breakthrough harvest next Saturday! We will be having our 2nd ESS on 14th June, Satisfying ur desires. There will be a skit cum dance cum songs that talks about various young people's desires of their lives.

Indeed, God created us to have desires. Human being are passionate creatures. We live, we feel and we are created to be needed and accepted. We will explore together what are those desires and how it can be satisfy.

I could sensed a strong sense of anticipation from many leaders that we will see a breakthrough harvest next Saturday! Some are in fasting and praying. Some are having regular meet up with freshmen. Some are running matthew events.

Nel and I prayed togther that God will bless us with a breakthough harvest. God's presence and power will be on every one who are involved and move mightly in all hearts of freshmen!

Well, let's overflow Nexus and see overflow in the front of the stage and pack in more chairs! whoo!

PolyDiNs, let's pray hard and work hard on invitation and sharing our faith to our friends. So every CG have at least 1 new friend say yes to Jesus next week!

This is the link to send to your friends and freshmen as you invite them!



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