Friday, August 31, 2007

Broken tail 'mouse'

I was pretty glad to purchase a microsoft desktop mouse last night after a dinner with Mandy. I wanted to replace the old one as it is not working too well. I was pretty anxious to open the plastic cover when i reached home. I used a sissor to cut open it.

To my horror, I accidentally cut the wire and it broke into 2. I remembred I talked to myself ,"Man, why did I cut the wire? Wah, my sissor is really sharp!" I was stunned for a few moments and then I decided to bring it to office to ask anyone can rescue my mouse.

It was a silly mistake made and I have to pay the full price for it. The mouse cose $19.90 :( I can recalled some of such incidents in my life where there are stupid mistakes made (not intentionally) but I have to pay a price for such mistakes. I guessed I will be smarter after every new mistake made. Every mistake comes with a price but it also comes with a great lesson. Anyway, this is my first time cutting a wire of a mouse.

Life is full of such unintentional mistakes. Just have to learnt it and laughed at it though it's not easy to do so at that moment.

Here is my broken tailed 'mouse'...

Anyone can help me to rescue this mouse? :)


At 2:35 AM, Blogger DannyWatt said...

it's almost impossible to save it. unless you're able to solder all the wires piece by piece.

the mouse has so many functions and stuff, and different wires transmit different signals, might as well get a new one and be careful with it this time.

yay praise God? haha.. cheer up!

At 11:36 PM, Blogger jaspoon said...

Yes, many people have advised me to throw it away and buy a new one.

I will not make this silly mistake again. :(

At 1:37 PM, Blogger manuel said...

Maybe dont throw it away, get a new one and use it, while another one showcase it! hahaha

At 1:38 PM, Blogger manuel said...

Maybe dont throw it, get a new one to replace it while the one u accidentially cut it show case it ahaha to remind yrself maybe!


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