Sunday, May 18, 2008

15 have crossed the line!

Imposter service was awesome! We had many new friends joined us in the service! We started off with an interaction activities led by Leanne and Raymond! It was so spontaneous and we had just good fun! The last category is to get the LONGEST hair! Man, Thank God, the 3 participants were guys! ha!

Praise was just awesome! Praising God from our heart together! The drama was so funny that I just feel it was too short!

When I took over to preach, I love the segment where we had a extention time of welcoming each other again! It's really good to be in church again!

I could sensed God leading me to speak and when we reached the video clip, I thought God used it to move in many hearts!

15 crossed the line of faith and many friends are considering and will be back in our small group and service! I personally talked to NTU 1st year guy and he is considering and will be back next Satuday! God move his heart and he will experience your love for him! yeah!

Thanks to the Decoration Team led by Jeolla! Thanks Jorris who led the publicity team! Thanks Peixin who rehearse with the actress and actors. Thanks Shareen for the hospitality! Thanks music team for the spirit led altar call! Thanks Justin who oversee the MM area! Thanks Abigail who oversees the project!

Do pray and work on all our friends to be back this Saturday! We will be talking about living a dynamic life! Living for Jesus is exciting and adventurous! Hallelujah!

Let's connect all our new believers and new friends! PolyDiNs rockS!


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