Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Time with Ps Simon

Last Saturday was a great time spent with Ps Simon. This is his 1st time preaching in Tertiary service. He talks about Maximising Student Life and it was appropriate for many Tertiary students attended the service. To prepare themselves and grow themselves during student days for greater things to come when they enter adulthood!

I was one of the product that the church and leaders has given me different opportunity to grow and learn in the Lord. Who I am today was a result of what was laid and taught by many people. Most of all God who changed me alot in my early days of my Christian walk (I was a Poly 2nd year student then.)

After the service, Ps Simon had dinner with some of the leaders. We ate and talk and many questions was asked. Many of us agreed that he really love people and can sensed the love from him to us. He want to know every single leader and he got Leanne to write everyone's name so he can remember.

One question that was posed by Nel about how he kept himself fresh and strong as he has to fulfill so many duties and roles in life (He oversees Singapore, Malaysia, Europe, South Asia, Oceania and some others, father, husband, child of God..) He said that he always ensure he spent time with God daily and have that touch from God daily. Another is he exercise so he has a healthy body to serve God.

I was reminded strongly by this 2 truth especially from a man who has known and served God for more than 30 over years....

It was a great time with him and hope Ps Simon can come so often and impart to us more and more! It was a rare chance to fellowship with spiritual giant like him..:)

"Lord, thank you for a sacrificial leader like him. I pray for Ps Simon that you stregthen him as he has to travel around the world to visit pastors and train pastors. Grant him so much wisdom and understanding so he can make decisions more effectively. Thank You for using his life and will your anointing continue to be bestow upon him and use him and Ps PN to bring the Hope movement to a new level of growth and breakthrough! Bless his family and bless him so much as he takes care of your church. In JEsus name I pray, Amen!"


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