Thursday, July 23, 2009

deeper source

The story is told of a farmer who owned an orchard in a valley full of orchards. One year the drought was harsher than all the previous years. Yet his trees were verdant and more fruitful than the surrounding ones. The other farmers' trees were brown while his were still green. They gathered one day to ask his secret.

He replied, "My trees can go another 4 weeks without water. You see, when they were young, I often withheld water from them so that their roots were forced to drill deeper to find water. So while other trees are dying, mine are drinking from a much deeper source."

Drill down, and get your water from a deeper source.

This story illustrate how my spiritual growth should be. Those circumstances that are tough, harsh and seemingly hopeless are enviornment that 'forced' me to go to deeper source - God. Not so positive and promising situations are moments for me to grow my roots deeper so I can receive from God.

These are important moments! It's for me to spread my roots deeper to get wisdom, hope, love, courage, faith, purpose and many more from the everlasting source.

That's the way it should be. My spiritual roots to spread and grow deeper so that I can bear spiritual fruits in all seasons. So that I can reach higher and further.


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