Thursday, July 17, 2008

Meditate 1Sam 15

I was off on Tuesday and I took time for an express pendicure, a nice facial and then off for a dinner appointment. :) It was a good theraphy to just do normal grooming. :)

What was most rewarding is bible passage reflection. I was reading the book of Samuel and chapter 15 caught my attention. The story of Saul... The Lord instructed him to destroyed everything of the enemies but he spared some and kept the sheep and cattle.

The anchor verse was 1Sam 15:22: Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams."

The motives of the heart is far more important than outward expression. That's what the Lord sees. Saul suppose to fight based on God's command but he added his version of battle. The outward seemingly Godward - He sacrifice the best cattle and sheep to the Lord. However, he violated the command of the Lord that is to destroyed all.

What Saul did seems to be reasonable and logical in the eyes of man however God was saddened because he has failed to obey. The little twist of reasons why we do certain things and not to do certain things, should always be in check.

This is a good reminder and warning for me to in check of my obedience level when God challenge me or leads me. Do I justify with good reasons or I recieve it humbly and fulfill it and allow God to help me.

May I always be a child who desires to please my dad in heaven. I trust in you that's why I obey. Keep my heart pure - To please you Only. :)


At 5:40 PM, Blogger Tricia said...

Ps Jasmine, guess what? This was the exact same chapter I taught my CG this week!! :)

At 12:21 AM, Blogger jaspoon said...

Great Tricia! It's indeed a good passage to remind all of us to life a life of obedience to One and Only Him. :)

Hope you have fully recovered. :)

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Tricia said...

Yesh, i'm on my way to full recovery! God is good!!

At 11:39 AM, Blogger jaspoon said...

Amen Tricia!


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