Monday, December 08, 2008

Travelling stories

well, I was away for 2 weeks. It was a frutiful time spent in Europe and Malaysia. I'm so glad that I have taken time away to see, learn and exposure myself to new culture and people.

I attended Europe Leadership Conference and it was open to CL and above. I had a great chance to fellowship with various leaders from Germany, UK, Norway, Nethelands and few others. I saw the unity among the leaders and greater synergy among the churches. I can see the same spirit of mission and spirit of sacrifice to do His work.

I was talking to a German brother that he is preparing to move out of Stuggart and go to Munich. He told me that he has good job and good community in Stuggart. But when his leader challenge him to move, he agreed. With different concerns in his heart, he know it may not be easy but he knew it was the biblical and logical thing to do. He agreed and prepared to go next year August. I'm blessed by this obedient life!

S'pore vs German team!

I was with Hope London adults leadership team at Vincent's house (key leader of Hope London). They called their adults group as light house ministry. We had a good time hearing different life testimonies. I was sharing with them how to keep longevity in serving God. How to keep themselves fresh in the Lord. There was quite a few questions on leadership issues. I'm glad to see hunger to grow and learn. Thanks to Vincent and team as they gave me a surprised bdae celebration after the meeting. I was pleasantly surprised. Together with Ps Prakich, we spent a warm celebration together...:)

Light House team

After arriving on Wednesday night. I reached home at 1030pm and had a good catch up with abigail. Then Leanne and Shareen came to my house and gave me another surprised bdae celebration! hohoho! we had a talk till close to 1am. They were all tired but I'm so alert as I'm still in Europe time zone... hohoho

Thanks gals! I'm sooooo blessed by the fact that there are friends serving together!!!!! I love you guys! thanks!!!!! I know I'm not alone!!!! so loved!

Then next day, I repacked and packed for Malaysia trip. I headed to airport and I met Ps Jeff, Shirley and Mike and few of his people. All of us are flying to KL for Malaysia National Convention.

There are close to 1,700 people for the convention. I was very touched by the spirit of the people! They were hungry bunch of people! I thought I entered a youth service! man, they were very expressive and most of all very affirmative people. We can learn from them...

I have a chance to co preach with Ps Jeff and that was my first time. I'm glad to have such opportunity because I know where I can grow further as a leader. I didn't do too well but I was glad I attempted and if I'm given a chance again, I will like to try again...hohohoho!

One principle as a leaders "If I fail to do something new, that means I'm learning and growing" That's the motto....

During the meal time, I got to meet some old friends and new friends. It was encouraging to see our Malaysia churches are united together to do greater things for God. They are trusting God to spread the love of God to Middle East... :)

Mission Nite!

Thank You God for all theses experiences. It was so helpful to me in my personal growth and walk with You. :)


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