Saturday, November 03, 2007

Cancer.....Cancerous cells....

I went to visit my Uncle at 8pm. This Uncle of mine is the elder brother of my dad. He contracted liver cancer a few months ago. In August, my siblings and I went to visit him in the hospital and he looked tired but still healthy. The doctor said that the cancerous cell is spreading fast but hopefully the injection will control the growth of the cell.

Then in 2nd week of Oct, we went to visit him and his health deteriorated. I was looking at him and he has slimmed down so much. He don't eat alot.

Then when i went with Wilson (my younger brother) to visit him just now and hope to pray for him & share with him. When we reached there, he was asleep. I heard from my cousins that he sleeps most of the time and don't talk much now. He don't eat and he was so skinny that I couldn't recognise him. He is so weak that he can't move from the bed and need people to help him his bathing and his bowels. We can't share with him the love of Jesus but just prayed for him. I asked God to bless him, take away the pain and heal him.

Within the span of 3 months, the cancerous cell has spread from his liver to other parts of his organs. From someone who is healthy to someone who can't move and awaiting for his death. The comforting thing for my uncle is that he has very good family. He has live to good old age of 73. His daughter and son were very loving and be with him as regular as possible. I must salute my aunty (his wife) who attend to him 24 hours in the sick bed.

2 things dawned on me while I travel back home just now.

1. Death will come to us one day either sonner or later. There are many things can wait but some can't. One thing can't wait is sharing the love of Jesus to someone whom we love very much. I was sharing with Wilson and Belle (Wilson's wife) over a super late dinner near Yishun : we should continue to share the Love fo Jesus to our mom and our pre believing siblings. We many think that we have alot of time but we may not have so much time. No one knows what happen tomorrow...

2. Love and support from loved ones are so important during crisis. It doesn't matter how much you have earned or achieved but at the end of our lives, ensure there are group of family and friends care for each other. To my personal opinion, this is true richness & wealth.

This world will be one side of heaven experientially when we eagerly share the love of God and live out the love of God to others!

do it in my life lord.....


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